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The Trailer Grows Up
Vintage Camping Trailer Magazine Article
HOME could hardly be more comfortable,
and not half so healthful, as this attractive trailer camp. Note awning
used with trailer in background and the inviting outdoor furniture. |
FROM the time, only ten years ago, when it was little
more than a big wooden box perched precariously between two wheels, the
trailer has come a long way. Just recently, an auto-and-trailer unit was
traveling the desert road beside the Salton sea, with the speedometer needle
hovering close to seventy. As the driver picked up the telephone to inform
his family in the trailer that they were nearing their destination, there
was a loud bang. The driver felt a quick tug at the steering wheel, a sudden
drag on the car. But nothing else happened. There was no loss of control,
no careening. Cautiously he set the brakes and brought the two vehicles
to a stop. Investigation revealed that one of the trailer tires had blown
out - at seventy miles an hour - yet not even a dish was out of place in
the trailer's cupboard. |
NEW at the top, and old at the bottom,
in trailers. The latest equipment really is a comfortable home on
wheels in whch you can spend as long as you like at scenic spots. Trailer
at bottom is built by Arthur G. Sherman. |
Had this happened in the early, days, a serious accident
might have followed that blowout. But today's trailer is built for safety
and comfort, carefully engineered to withstand the road hazards likely
to be encountered at the high speeds demanded by the modern motorist. Factory-constructed
models of the 300,000 rolling homes on American highways boast such features
Quick-acting hydraulic or electric brakes
Channel steel underframes
Rugged bodies of oak, elm and airplane spruce
Steel-clad plywood walls
Spun glass or similar insulation
Ball-and-socket couplers that practically eliminate the possibility
of the trailer breaking away from the tow car
Drop-type windows that disappear into the walls instead of
swinging outward at eye level to create a night hazard
Cookstoves with steel safety shields and asbestos wings for
protection against fire and hot grease
Electric refrigerators that freeze ice cubes and retain their
low food-preserving temperatures for fourteen to eighteen hours between
Steel rub rails around the trailer at the lower edge of the
body to afford protection from contact with trees
Safe space and water heaters
Electric lights
Disappearing wash basins
Soft, folding beds
Screw-type ventilators operated from inside the trailer
Screened and storm windows... and even collapsible rubber
AWNINGS, easy to put up and
take down, lend an extra touch of homeyness to modern trailer. |
Gasoline consumption, in pulling a trailer, approximates
only one mile less per gallon than when the tow car travels alone. One
reason for this is that the modern trailer is lightweight.
The trailer on which the tire blew out at seventy weighed
only 1,100 pounds. Years of experimental building showed engineers that
lightweight construction is not only the most economical but also the safest.
Most motorists have only to close their eyes to picture yesterday's box-on-wheels
swaying dizzily down the road behind the tow car.
Engineers for the Covered Wagon company, a pioneer in
this $25,000,000 industry, point out that a trailer acts like a whip lash
in going around curves because centrifugal force pushes it around like
a boy playing crack-the-whip. In negotiating a curve the trailer tends
to pull sideways and to slew the rear end of the tow ear toward the outside
of the curve. So today's rolling home, combining light weight with equal
strength, is built a little wider than the automobile, resulting in smooth
travel at speeds up to, and sometimes exceeding, a mile a minute. As every
motorist knows, light loads are also more easily controlled. Some factories
refuse to build trailers heavier than 3,500 pounds and the small-size trailer
rarely weighs more than 1,500 pounds. |
CAR hitch arrangement, showing ball
at end of drawbar. Note the double cylinder hydraulic brake unit and mount
pin for car unit.Tubular tripod supports front of trailer and auxilary
chain, required by law, adds safety. |
Gasoline consumption, in pulling a trailer, approximates
only one mile less per gallon than when the tow car travels alone. One
reason for this is that the modern trailer is lightweight.
The trailer on which the tire blew out at seventy weighed
only 1,100 pounds. Years of experimental building showed engineers that
lightweight construction is not only the most economical but also the safest.
Most motorists have only to close their eyes to picture yesterday's box-on-wheels
swaying dizzily down the road behind the tow car
Engineers for the Covered Wagon company, a pioneer in
this $25,000,000 industry, point out that a trailer acts like a whip lash
in going around curves because centrifugal force pushes it around like
a boy playing crack-the-whip. In negotiating a curve the trailer tends
to pull sideways and to slew the rear end of the tow ear toward the outside
of the curve. So today's rolling home, combining light weight with equal
strength, is built a little wider than the automobile, resulting in smooth
travel at speeds up to, and sometimes exceeding, a mile a minute. As every
motorist knows, light loads are also more easily controlled. Some factories
refuse to build trailers heavier than 3,500 pounds and the small-size trailer
rarely weighs more than 1,500 pounds. |
FISHING stories must be good, if
they are to be believed when told right on the scene. Here a party of sportsman
relex after a day's angling and the trailer enables them to get the utmost
pleasure on their outing. |
Another important factor is braking. The hydraulic system
is operated on both tow ear and trailer by the same foot pedal, thus giving
pressure on every wheel of the unit. The Warner electrical system is controlled
by a fingertip lever mounted on the steering post of the tow car. These
brakes are installed on the trailer, entirely separate from the tow car's
brakes. Operated in conjunction with the automobile's brakes, the system
affords a powerful, quick-acting means of stopping the two vehicles. In
connection with electric brakes, the trailer owner may install a small
attachment operated by a flashlight battery to lock the trailer brakes
for thirty minutes. Thus, if by any chance the trailer should break away
from the tow car, this device would set the brakes automatically and hold
the trailer long enough for the owner to stop, back up and reestablish
the hitch and electrical connections. |
Experienced owners recommend the small trailer because
it is comfortable, yet lightweight and therefore more easily handled in
making or breaking camp. Today, one company is offering a trailer priced
below $400, which has adequate cabinet space, plenty of shelves, a wardrobe
room, sleeping accommodations for two, kitchenette with sink, ten-gallon
water tank and many other features. Seventeen feet long with steel underframe,
this trailer has combination six-volt and 110-volt electric-lighting system.
It is well sealed against the weather. Compared to the cumbersome trailer
of the early days, this model offers real luxury at low cost. |
HANDY storage compartments like
the one are engineered into the modern trailer. Here fishing or hunting
gear may be placed in safety and forgotten until needed again. |
Another tip to the trailer owner is not to load down
the rolling home with extra equipment. Veteran travelers pride themselves
on how little they can get along with. Of course, if the trailer is not
already equipped, these items are regarded as essential: Safe braking system;
three-burner gasoline cookstove, because the fuel is easy to obtain from
filling stations or from the tow car's tank; small six-volt fan which may
be mounted at the roof ventilator to speed up discharge of fumes and cooking
odors; fire extinguisher; some safe space heater; adequate sanitary
facilities; electrical wiring strong enough to serve all the owner's needs. |
PROTECTION for both trailer and
the tow car is provided above, by tent erected by camper in Yosemite
National Park. There also is sufficient space for the family in inviting
shade. |
Owners of early-day trailers experienced a lot of trouble
with the coupling. Frequently the hitch was unsafe. This hazard has been
overcome by the ball-and-socket coupling. The hitch is mounted on the tow
car by bolting and welding it to the chassis frame, instead of onto the
bumper alone. Covered Wagon engineers employ a railroad type coupler which
permits the trailer to be attached easily by backing the tow car into the
coupler attachment without the necessity of raising the trailer drawbar
above the coupler and then dropping it down on the coupler ball, as is
necessary with other types. The coupler is locked to the coupler ball with
a throat latch, pins and a safety pin so that it cannot come off, thus
making for greater safety. |
SAFETY is the feature of metal shield
for stove cabinet, above.Ventilator, above stove, carries away smoke and
fumes. |
In this connection, an "overload" or auxiliary rear spring
is recommended by many engineers for the tow car. This spring does not
come into play until the regular spring is depressed to a certain point.
Although the trailer may not put an extra heavy load on the car's rear
springs, a passenger or two aft makes a big difference, particularly if
riding forward in the trailer. The additional poundage quickly and permanently
flattens the spring arch, resulting in rough riding and sometimes in actual
damage to the car. |
IF small chain is jerked, a safety
device sets the electric brakes on the trailer. |
Insulation has brought a new degree of comfort and cleanliness
to the home on wheels. The latest models are completely insulated, even
the floor, wheelhousings and roof ventilator. The insulation supplements
an air space between interior paneling and exterior walls. Spun-glass wool,
in the form of a continuous blanket backed by a layer of waterproof paper,
is used by some builders, being placed in the sidewalls and roof. There
is also a half-inch layer of insulation in the floor, a heavy layer of
felt over the wheelhousings and a half-inch layer of insulation under the
tops of roof ventilators. Thus, the trailer is constructed to keep out
heat in summer, cold in winter and dirt and dust in all seasons. With modern
fuel-oil heater stoves, it is possible to keep comfortable inside a trailer
even in sub-zero weather. |
SIMPLE railroad type coupling used
on the Covered Wagons. Coupler is locked to coupler ball with throat latch,
pins and safety pin. |
Although manufacturers are using insulation plentifully,
the trailer purchaser should be careful that the floor be adequately protected
with a heavy layer of insulating material beneath. This prevents the cold
air flowing beneath the trailer from making the interior uncomfortable
in cold weather and saves the space heater from overwork. A well-insulated
trailer is easy to heat, and to keep heated. |
SLEEPY-TIME no longer is the dreaded
hour for the trailerite for the davenport is convertible into a soft bed. |
Some owners frown on the use of carpets and rugs in the
trailer, pointing out that they get full of dirt, dust and germs. Linoleum
is recommended, principally because it is easy to keep clean, although
it cold on frosty mornings. Water and soap are used on linoleum,
with wax being aplied afterward.
Manufacturers urge owners to try to equalize the load
in packing the trailer. Too much load aft will cause the trailer to "fish-tail,"
which is annoying and sometimes hazardous, particularly at high speeds.
A preponderant weight on the right side will tend to run the trailer down
off the crown of the road. Where the highway is bordered by soft dirt shoulders,
this is dangerous. Still another recommendation is that the owner have
his auto headlights readjusted with the trailer attached. Otherwise, with
the rear of the car depressed by the additional weight, the beams will
be set at too high an angle for safe driving. An external rear-view mirror,
mounted on the car door or fender, is essential for the car-and-trailer
unit. |
DECORATIVE fence added to appearance
of camp at Palm Springs Calif.
While the modern trailer is virtually accidentproof,
so far as disastrous results from blowouts are concerned, tiremakers and
inventors are going a step farther toward safety. For instance, punctureproof
tubes for trailer tires are available. Too, it possible to mount a steel
rim beside the trailer tire so that if the tire blows out, the trailer
will travel on the rim and prevent damage to the tire. Lately, another
safety device has been introduced. It consists of two prongs extending
down beside each trailer tire. If a tire goes flat, the prongs are spread
apart, causing an alarm bell to ring in the tow car. |
COMPANY is what the modern trailer
traveler will have almost any place he goes, for there are about 300,000
rolling homes on the road. Here is an attractive camp in a scenic spot.
Note the various forms that trailer construction has taken. |
About ten years ago, Arthur G. Sherman of Detroit set
out with his family on a camping and fishing trip. Behind his car he pulled
a tent on a box trailer. He had been told that the tent could be put up
in fifteen minutes, with no trouble. Parked beside a lake in northern Michigan,
in a driving rainstorm, the Sherman family tried to erect the tent. Fifteen
minutes became thirty, then forty-five - and still the tent wasn't up.
Exasperated by this experience, Sherman returned home and built a trailer
complete with a top that would require no setting up. Thus was born the
trailer-building industry in America.
With the rapid advancement of the trailer in the last
ten years has come an almost equal improvement in facilities for the trailerite
on the road. Today there are approximately 20,000 trailer parks in the
United States. Most of them offer ample space for parking, connections
for water, gas and electricity, sanitary facilities, service station for
the auto and trailer, a store where supplies may be replenished and perhaps
a community center for dancing and other forms of recreation. Any owner
contemplating a trip anywhere in the United States may obtain a list of
parks approved by the manufacturer of his trailer. |
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Pullman Trailer Plans
Build a 1935 Pullman Travel Trailer
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1940 Cabin Trailer Plans
Build a 1940 TERRA CRUISER 14 Foot Camping Trailer
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1956 Camping Trailer Plans
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1934 House Trailer Plans
Build a 1934 17 Foot House Trailer
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1951 Wander Pup Trailer Plans
Build a Sportsman's
Trailer for Two
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Trailer for Two Plans
Build the Original 1947 Teardrop Trailer
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16 Foot Canned Ham Travel Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage 16 Foot Travel Camper Trailer
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1937 Vintage Runlite Travel Trailer Plans
Build this Compact Travel
Kitchen and Bedroom
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1937 Bungalow Folding Camper Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage Lightweight Folding Tent Trailer
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Craftsman Folding Camping Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage Pop Up Camper Trailer
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DIY Vintage Travel Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage
Camping Trailer
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Camping Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage Pop Up
Travel Trailer
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Fold-Up Vacation
Camping Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage
Travel Trailer with Slide Out
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Wild Goose Overnight Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage
Kamp Master Camping Trailer
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Jim Dandy Cabin Cruiser Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage Jim Dandy Model C Travel Trailer
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Illustrated - 130 Pages
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payment, shortly after receipt of your order. |
How To Build Trailers
Complete Plans for Building Seven Different Vintage Travel
Trailers and More
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Hardside Pop-Up Camper Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage
Pop-Up Camper On a Utility Trailer
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Wanderbug Lightweight Weekend Vacation Trailer
Homebuilt Vintage Camping Trailer
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15 Foot Family Vacation Trailer Plans
DIY Vintage Camping Trailer Build
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Vintage Tent On Wheels Folding Trailer Plans
Build Your Own Pop Up
Camping Trailer
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Lil Guy Micro Camper Trailer Plans
Build a Vintage Compact
Travel Trailer
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Vintage "The Traveler" 17 Foot Trailer Plans
Build It Yourself Wood Framed Travel Trailer
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Roadside Chuck Wagon Trailer Plans
Build a Vintage Towable
Camp Kitchen
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Pickup Truck Pop Up Camper Plans
Build this Truck Bed Mounted Pop Up Camper
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Roof-Top Pop-Up
Sleeper Plans
Build this Car Top Mounted Hardside Pop-Up Camper
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Compact Vintage Teardrop Trailer Plans
Build this Streamline Lightweight Camper Trailer
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Low Profile Truck Bed Camper Plans
Build this Pickup Mounted Drop In Camper You Can Stand
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Vintage 1956 Camp Trailer Plans
Build a Vintage Camper Trailer with Rear Galley
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1947 Trail Scout
Camper Plans
Build a Vintage Post War
Travel Trailer
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Vintage Wanderer Travel Trailer Plans
Build this Post-War Canned Ham Style Cabin Trailer
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Vintage Tent
Trailer Plans
Build a Tent Camper on a Bolt Together Frame
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Modern Conestoga Camping Trailer Plans
Build this Vintage Prairie Schooner Style Camper
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Mobile Vacation Home Plans
Build a Vintage Movable Bugout Cabin
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Lightweight Expanding Trailer Plans
Build a Vintage Hardside Cable Lift Popup Camper
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Truck Camper Plans
Build a Simple and Rugged Pick-Up Based Weekend Retreat
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