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Brass Cleaning Bench Plans
Reloading Brass Cleaning and Sorting Bench
Plan Number BCB48
Reloading Brass
Cleaning Bench Plans
Price $12.95
Build a sturdy standing bench for processing and preparing
reloading brass. This easy to build cleaning and sorting bench is free
standing and features a spacious 15 inch by 45 inch work surface with raised
sides for containing brass, debris and cleaning media, a 32 inch high bench
top, and ample, convenient shelving for cleaning equipment, media, brass
and reloading materials.
Additional features:
Sturdy Base for Vibrating Cleaners, Rotary Tumblers and Ultrasonic
Raised Bench Sides Help Maintain a Clean Work Area
Uses Standard Dimensional Lumber
Uses 1/2 Plywood Sheet with Minimal Waste
Large Removable Shelf
Easily Adaptable for Varying Bench Heights
These printed Brass Cleaning and Sorting Bench Plans
Materials Shopping List
Measured Drawings for All Parts
Plywood Sheet Cut Plan
Assembly Drawings
Construction Notes
Photo of Completed Project
Reloading Brass Cleaning Bench dimensions when built:
Bench top - 45 inches wide X 15 inches deep X 32 ¼
inches high
Overall - 48 inches wide X 18 inches deep X 37 inches